© 2024

Out of the Blue
Vinyl, Poster for Florence Arman

Florence Arman is a British singer & songwriter based in Vienna. She is no stranger to the international pop scene, having worked with artists such as Rhys Lewis, The Kooks, Barns Courtney to name a few. She is now dedicating herself to her own intimate, yet witty and light-hearted artist project. Together with Julian Lee-Harather, we were commissioned to design the visual assets for her first album ‘Out of the Blue’. The bold & ironic visual language characterizes the appearance of the record. A significant typeface combined with simple illustrations complete the distinctive look.


Kevin Nowak Graphic Design, Art Direction
Julian Lee-Harather Cover Artwork
Marcella Ruiz Cruz Poster Image
Elias Oldofredi Project Management
Max Manavi-Huber Studio Portfolio Photography