© 2024

Ausdruck der Natur
Video for Weingut Zeichmann

The nat­ur­al wine mak­er Luka Zeich­mann man­ages his grandfather’s vine­yard in the same way he man­ages his life. Accord­ing to ancient tra­di­tions and the rhythm which nature pro­vides. Mak­ing wine com­plete­ly sus­tain­able is his phi­los­o­phy. This prin­ci­ple was also imple­ment­ed on the bot­tle. The nat­ur­al waste prod­uct of the wine-mak­ing process – the pressed grapes – was fur­ther devel­oped nat­u­ral­ly to cre­ate ink, which was then used to print the wine labels and posters by hand.


Kevin Nowak Creative Direction
Sebastian Hofer Creative Direction
Max Karall Creative Direction, Copywriter
Mateusz Najder Film Director, Videoeditor
Roland Schafek Director of Photography
Julian Poropatich Still Life
Andreas Karall Sound Design
Aarigod UK Music
Veronika Schmidinger Voice